Welcome to April's Top 5 Best Skin Care Products. I'm not usually one for taking great care of my skin and I know that is super bad. But since being pregnant, my skin has changed a lot and has become a combination instead of being just pure oily like before, so I find it definitely deserves some care now.

I can't lie, I can actually see a huge change in my skin especially when I feel a bit ill or drained and don't feel like doing my skin care routine. You can really tell when I haven't used this on my face. I usually use this every morning and every night but I actually have absolutely no idea how often you're meant to do it so don't trust me on that one.
4. Would you actually consider this as skin care? I don't know, I'm unprofessional like that so lets just consider this skin care for now.
I use this on my skin to take make up off pretty much whenever I use it. This costs me roughly £5.50 online but I'm pretty sure you can get it cheaper in places like Savers.
I would highly recommend this. I have used other eye make up removers that were more up the high end and they were nowhere near as good as this one. This eye make up remover actually also leaves your skin silky smooth. Nice one, Nivea.
3. Okay, so I don't actually use coconut oil much at the moment because I'm too lazy to buy it online and it is way too expensive to buy in high street shops over here.
But what I can tell you is that you can get this one for about £8.50 on eBay and it will actually last you a long time. Whenever I have used this, I have used this on my skin before adding make up and after removing make up and I have also used it to treat my split ends because they get pretty hideous during this time of the year.
I would definitely recommend purchasing this, in fact, I need to follow my own advise and get some next month.
2. I don't usually use many high end products for my face or skin care because I find that most of the time you can find something that does the same for tons cheaper and I can't see anything wrong with saving some cash.
However, I got this in a Glossybox when I first subscribed and have fallen in love with it ever since. It leaves the skin silky smooth and smelling amazing for so long. You can put this on and then have a shower and your skin will still smell like this after your shower.
This product usually costs around £21 but you can sometimes get them brand new and for under £10 when bidding on eBay.
1. And finally this has to be my number one for this month. I haven't been using it for long but have already seen such a huge difference on my skin.
I have used this before adding make up to my face and it makes the face feel so much softer, once dried on the face it also works as a great skin primer and your foundation or bb cream will actually look a lot more natural on the face.
I believe this costs almost £13 but is it worth it?Yes, it is. Remember that Lush also have different facial moisturizers, different ones work better on different skin types so if you have a different skin type to me, this may not do a lot on you.
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