Here is how to prepare for exam season 2016
- Coffee is your only friend. Exam season is lovely isn't it? Not only do you have exams most days of the week, you then have to also go home and do all your coursework because you have a bunch of pieces that are late. The answer is always coffee. You need that little bit of a push to carry on, admit it.
- Get yourself an academic diary with full day pages. You will have so many exams and so much coursework to hand in, you need an academic diary in your survival kit to keep organised.
- Burn a warm scented candle every night to relax you for the hell you will be entering tomorrow as soon as you get to your favorite place of all time, the exam hall.
- Come to terms with the fact that the exam board have a serious issue with bees this year. This tip will hopefully keep you sane for the first few days and then you will go crazy about it anyway.
- Tweet your anger and stress towards the exams you have just sat through and probably the bees too. This will help you get rid of some steam and help you focus on doing it again tomorrow.
I hope these little tips have helped you. All jokes aside, exam season can be so stressful even for that person in your class that tells everyone they are doing great in the exams and finding them easy. You just have to work hard and wing it, it's not worth the stress you are about to go through so stay chilled and look forward to the day it ends.
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